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Career Exploration Resources

Career Exploration Resources

Invest time in deciding your career path—it's one of the most important decisions you can make. It doesn't matter if you are undecided about what to study. KCC Career Services can help you narrow your top career fields through comprehensive Interest and Skill Assessments.

KCC's Career Development Counseling offers activities and resources that help you explore careers, prepare you for employment, and guide you in transferring to other colleges, all of which sets you on a path toward career success. Here's how you can benefit from Career Development Counseling:

  • Increase your self-confidence.
  • Improve your opportunity for college and career success.
  • Become more marketable upon graduation.
  • Be better prepared for your future.

Career Exploration begins with knowing your interests and goals. Begin by taking the following assessment:

Begin New Interest Assessment (Career Coach)
Attend a Career Exploration Workshop