An academic advisor will assist you with the transition to KCC, and with course selections for your first semester. They also provide information about KCC’s programs, resources, and services.
Make the most of your advising meeting and ask questions — we’re here to help! Connecting with your advisor is important for academic success. Advisors can help you:
- Assess your interests, abilities, and career goals
- Select the courses required to complete your degree
- Make full use of the resources and facilities at KCC
- Understand college policies and procedures
- Develop strategies to be successful in the college environment and beyond
Meet With an Advisor
An appointment is required to meet with your advisor except for “Walk-in Tuesdays and Wednesdays.” and other select dates. During walk-in advisement, all advisors are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday (Closed most Fridays May - July)
Schedule an appointment Walk-in days
Student Responsibilities
- Contact your assigned advisor.
- Work with your advisor to develop a Master Academic Plan (MAP). Meet with your advisor to make updates/changes as needed.
- Bring a list of questions and materials such as your MAP and schedule to your appointment.
- Meet academic deadlines. Know when to register and when drop/add deadlines are.
- Seek assistance from your professors and/or advisor when you encounter difficulties in your courses.
- Learn the graduation requirements for your program of study.
Advisor Responsibilities
- Information about academic programs and procedures. Clarifies policies, regulations, programs, and procedures.
- Advice on selecting courses and assists in developing a Master Academic Plan (MAP) to obtain educational goals.
- Offer a welcoming environment and help to become more academically independent.
- Refer you to additional college resources as needed.
- Assist in exploring your interests, abilities and goals.
- Review the classes you need to graduate from your program.
Phone 815-802-8500 or email to learn more about advisement procedures.
Student Planning
With the Student Planning tool you can make academic plans and register any time, from any device. With this web-based tool, you can:
- Plan courses and build a schedule for a particular semester/term
- Communicate and work with your advisor
- Register for courses
- Track progress toward fulfilling degree requirements
Your advisor can provide tips on using this interactive tool to save time and trips to KCC.
Master Academic Planning
If you are a new student, or have changed your academic goals at KCC, you will want to make your Master Academic Plan (MAP). The MAP is a customized guide that you and your advisor will create to help you stay on track, monitor your progress, and plan/budget for future semesters.
Advising Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know who my advisor is?
Advisors are assigned based on your intended program of study. This allows the advisor to assist with your unique educational goals. Advisement areas are Health Careers, Transfer, and Occupational/technology. To find out who your advisor is: log in to > Self-service > Student planning > Go to my progress
What is a MAP?
A Master Academic Plan (MAP) is a comprehensive guide designed to familiarize students with the degree requirements meant for your declared program. It is literally a road map of what courses are needed to complete a degree. If you don’t have a MAP, make an appointment with your assigned advisor to create one.
If I am undecided about my educational goal, should I be a non-degree student?
Undecided students are advised to choose a “general” A.A. or A.S. degree. These degrees give you maximum flexibility. It will also help ensure that courses will satisfy degree requirements. If you do not select a degree program, you are not eligible for financial aid.
Will my courses transfer to a university?
All Illinois community colleges use the same general education core requirements. The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) degree plans are designed to simplify the transfer process. When you complete the core courses for a degree, you satisfy requirements to transfer to all Illinois public universities as well as other participating four-year colleges and universities. Learn more at
Your KCC advisor will work with you to select courses for specific majors but you are responsible for working with the transfer college/university to fulfill their requirements. For more FAQs specific to transfer, please visit Transfer Services.
What is a credit hour?
Credit hours relate to the total number of hours of instruction and lab/clinical time for the course. The last digit of the course number indicates the number of credit hours earned for the course. For example: ARTS 1613 (3 credit hours), and MATH 1704 (4 credit hours).
What is considered full-time study?
To be classified as a full-time student during a 16-week semester, you must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours. For the 6 or 8-week summer term, 6 credit hours is the minimum.
How many hours should I be able to work at my job?
To decide how much you can work, consider your individual responsibilities. Generally, full-time students should limit themselves to 20 or fewer hours per week during the transition to college. It is better to be successful with a lighter load than to over-extend and struggle or fail.
Can I attend KCC then transfer to another community college for a degree not offered at KCC (ex. dental hygiene or veterinary technician)?
In most cases, your general education courses need to be taken at KCC. Meet with an advisor at the transfer college to determine which courses will be accepted toward their program. Your KCC advisor can work with you to plan the appropriate sequence of the courses to take here if needed.
How do I get into a health careers program?
Many of KCC’s health career programs use a competitive application process. There are limits to the number of students who can enter each program annually. Therefore, admission to KCC does not mean acceptance into a Health Career Program. New students should meet with a health career advisor to determine eligibility. For more information, view program eligibility requirements and HESI A2 testing information.
Location & Hours
Riverfront Campus
Room D222, Student Services
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. (Closed most Fridays May-July)
Harold and Jean Miner South Extension Center
1488 E. Walnut St. in Watseka