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Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning

Assessment of prior learning is a means of demonstrating that a person has previously acquired college level knowledge. As a KCC student, you may have prior learning reviewed and assessed by college personnel to earn college credit that applies to your program.

You may earn credit through any one or a combination of the following:

  • Advanced Placement Program (AP)
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • College-sponsored proficiency examination
  • Review of recognized professional license or certificate to advise for potential credit-by-examination possibilities (credit is not advanced based on license or certificate)
  • U.S. Armed Forces Institute courses/training recommended by the American Council on Education (military transcript required)
  • Career programs completed at the Kankakee Area Career Center or Livingston Area Vocational Center which are articulated with KCC courses
  • Transfer credit evaluations for classroom, correspondence or independent study courses taught at colleges accredited by The Higher Learning Commission or other regional accrediting associations.
  • National Certifications: Child Development Associate (CDA)

KCC does not award credit for life experience; however, you may want to explore this option for advanced degree programs. Credit may not be awarded twice for the same learning.

If you would like to seek credit for prior learning, contact an advisor in Student Services or the director of Admissions and Registration for additional information and proper procedures for requesting an evaluation.