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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Kankakee Community College Board of Trustees 2024-2025

KCC is governed by a seven-member, elected board of trustees which convenes monthly on the Riverfront Campus at 100 College Drive, Kankakee. Most meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. unless otherwise noted on the Board calendar. The board is responsible for establishing institutional policies, approving financial expenditures and the tax levy, and appointing and supervising the college president.

Current board

Cathy Boicken of Bourbonnais, a trustee since 2015, serves as board chair. Bill Orr of Reddick, a trustee since 2014, is vice-chair. Michael Proctor of Bourbonnais, a trustee since 2021, is secretary.

Other seated trustees, and the years they joined the board, are: Patrick D. Martin of Manteno, 2005; Bradley W. Hove of Bourbonnais, 2006; Todd A Widholm of Clifton, 2010; and Michael Kick of Bourbonnais, 2024.

Annually, the Student Advisory Council appoints a student representative to the board to represent student interests. The student trustee for June 2024 - June 2025 is Robert Rogers.

Claire Chaplinski serves as legal counsel, Beth Nunley as treasurer, Karen Slager as recording secretary, and Dr. Michael Boyd is KCC's president.

Emeritus trustees

  • Hugh Van Voorst of Union Hill was named Trustee Emeritus in April 2014. He served as trustee from 1980 to 2014, and as chairman from 1995 to 2014. (Deceased 7-5-2023)
  • Betty Meents of Watseka was named Trustee Emeritus in April 2015. With 39 years on the board, from 1976 to 2015, she was the longest serving board member in the college's history.
  • Richard J. Frey of Kankakee was named Trustee Emeritus in June 2021. He served as a trustee from 2001 to 2021.
  • Jerald W. Hoekstra of St. Anne was named Trustee Emeritus in May 2024. He served as a trustee from 1991 to 2024.

Contact the board

Comments and questions for the board can be sent to bot@kcc.edu.

Agendas & Minutes