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Final Exam Schedule

Final Exam Schedule

All classes must meet for a comprehensive final exam or other appropriate academic purpose at the time specified on this schedule. Exceptions for summer classes, Friday-only, Saturday-only, eight-week and hybrid classes are explained in the schedule exceptions section.

2024-25 Academic Year

To determine when the final exam for a class is scheduled, find the day and time of the first class meeting of the week. The day of the final exam is in the top row and the time of the final exam is in the far left column. For classes with a lab component, final exams will be in the same classrooms where the lecture normally meets.

Final Exam DatesMonday
Dec. 9, 2024
May 12, 2025
Dec. 10, 2024
May 13, 2025
Dec. 11, 2024
May 14, 2025
Dec. 12, 2024
May 15, 2025
8-9:50 a.m.Monday between
8-8:59 a.m.
Tuesday between
8-8:59 a.m.
Monday between
9-9:59 a.m.
Tuesday between
9-9:59 a.m.
Wednesday between
8-9:59 a.m.
Thursday between
8-9:59 a.m.
10-11:50 a.m.Monday between
10-10:59 a.m.
Tuesday between
10-10:59 a.m.
Monday between
11-11:59 a.m.
Tuesday between
11-11:59 a.m.
Wednesday between
10-11:59 a.m.
Thursday between
10-11:59 a.m.
12-1:50 p.m.Monday between
12-12:59 p.m.
Tuesday between
12-12:59 p.m.
Monday between
1-1:59 p.m.
Tuesday between
1-1:59 p.m.
Wednesday between
12-1:59 p.m.
Thursday between
12-1:59 p.m.
2-3:50 p.m.Monday between
2-2:59 p.m.
Tuesday between
2-2:59 p.m.
Monday between
3-3:59 p.m.
Tuesday between
3-3:59 p.m.
Wednesday between 2-3:59 p.m.Thursday between 2-3:59 p.m.
4-5:50 p.m.Monday between
4-4:59 p.m.
Tuesday between
4-4:59 p.m.
Wednesday between
4-4:59 p.m.
Thursday between
4-4:59 p.m.
6-7:50 p.m.Monday between 5-6:59 p.m.Tuesday between 5-6:59 p.m.Wednesday between 5-6:59 p.m.Thursday between 5-6:59 p.m.
8-9:50 p.m.Wednesday
7 p.m. or later
Tues. and/or Thurs.
7 p.m. or later
7 p.m. or later
  • Friday-only classes will have their final exam on Friday, Dec. 6/May 9 at the regularly scheduled time.
  • Saturday-only classes will have their final exam on Saturday, Dec. 7/May 10 at the regularly scheduled time.
  • Summer classes will have their final exams during the last meeting date.
  • Eight week classes will have their final exams during the last meeting date.
  • Hybrid classes that do not have a regularly scheduled meeting time during the semester will have their final exams in one of the following periods: Tuesday 6-7:50 pm, Wednesday 4-5:50 p.m., or Thursday 4-5:50 p.m. Before midterm, the instructor must make arrangements through the division office to reserve a classroom for the final exam and notify students of the location and time of the final exam.
  • A student cannot be required to take more than two final exams on the same day. Students who have three or more final exams scheduled for the same day should notify the academic division office (Room W102) by the last class day of the regular semester. The division dean will work with the appropriate faculty to make arrangements in accordance with guidelines monitored by the vice president for academic affairs.
  • It is not possible to have different final exam periods for every possible class start time. Students who have classes with overlapping final exam periods should notify the academic division office (Room W102) by the last class day of the regular semester. Instructors who have a class that does not fall within this schedule should work with their dean to determine an appropriate time and place for the final exam.
  • If there is an emergency closure during the scheduled exam week, Dec. 13, Dec. 16, May 16 or May 19 will be selected as the alternate exam date. An announcement of the alternate date will be made immediately after announcement of a college closure.
  • All faculty and students are expected to follow this schedule. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the dean of the affected division.