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Exam Make-ups

Exam Make-ups

Exam make-ups are at the Riverfront Campus, Testing Center, Room D218. Please see below for available testing hours. Please contact Testing Services at 815-802-8530 or TestingCenter@kcc.edu to schedule your exam.

Student holding a textbook in front area
  1. Check with your instructor to verify that the Make-up Request Form and the exam have been dropped off.
  2. Present a Photo ID to the proctor in the center.
  3. Complete your exam under the directions noted by your instructor or with the accommodations as approved by the Office of Disability Services.

Give yourself enough time to complete your entire exam before the center closes. The proctor will attempt to keep noise to a minimum and will ask you to refrain from talking or other distracting noise.


Please fill out the Make-up Request Form in its entirety before sending to TestingCenter@kcc.edu.

If an audio accommodation is needed for a student's make-up exam, please note that the exam will be prepared within three days after the exam arrives to the testing center. The student is required to make their own appointment to take their make-up exam.


Testing Services coordinates testing accommodations with the Office of Disability Services and faculty members. For more information on accommodations, visit the Office of Disability Services. The TTY number is 711.

If audio accommodation is needed for your make-up exam, call and make an appointment with Testing Services at 815-802-8530. Exams will be prepared three days after your instructor brings the exam to Testing Services.

Testing Hours - Room D218
