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Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Important Dates
Enroll Now

Register for classes or meet with an advisor to discuss your academic plan and determine which courses to take.

Register now for later-starting Spring 2025 classes

Financial Aid

The financial aid calendar has important dates for financial aid.


The KCC scholarship application is open every year from Oct. 1 to May 1.


Holidays for students are marked with *.

Tentative start date for the Fall 2026 semester: Aug. 17, 2026

Academic Continuity Plan

Emergency Days are already built into the Academic Calendar to account for brief campus closures. If the campus closure does not extend beyond the number of allocated emergency days, no rescheduling will be necessary. In the event that Kankakee Community College experiences an emergency which necessitates closure of campus and extended cancellation of classes, the College will respond in one or more of the following ways:

  • Faculty will include language in their course syllabi (approved by the dean) that provides students with plans for course continuity in the event of an unplanned campus closure/emergency. This information should include alternate plans for communication i.e., blog, chat room, message tool, text, social media, etc.
  • The academic division office (W102) maintains an up-to-date list of contact information for all faculty and staff within their respective area. A hard copy of the list is readily available.
  • Faculty maintain a printed version of their course rosters/master list for each semester.
  • Faculty maintain a paper copy of their gradebook in the event an emergency prohibits access to the LMS system.
  • Faculty will be directed to use the LMS for missed work during closed days. If the LMS is not available due to a closure/emergency situation, faculty may want to identify an alternate method for students to receive updates on work and assignments. This information on this alternate method should be provided and identified in the syllabus.
  • During the first-class session, students will be advised to print a hard copy of the syllabus in the event an emergency situation won't allow access to the electronic version on the LMS.
  • Faculty will ensure that students have enough information/assignments in the event they have to work on their own for a short period of time.
  • Classes which cannot be facilitated in an online format may be rescheduled at a different campus location. Current campus locations include Riverfront Campus (Kankakee), South Extension Center (Watseka), Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Center (Kankakee), and North Extension Center (Bradley).
  • The final exam week may be condensed or cancelled to allow all classes to meet that week on a regular schedule.
  • It may be necessary to use weekends particularly in programs with a required number of contact hours or clinicals.
  • In a prolonged college shut down, the administration will work with local entities, if necessary, to find alternate locations to convene classes.

For college closures, KCC offers School Messenger services for students and staff to receive phone, text, and email alerts for emergency and weather closings. KCC's home page and Facebook page post announcements and local radio stations broadcast KCC cancellations and closures.